The Complete Guide to Commercial Remodeling

Commercial remodeling refers to the process of making major modifications and improvements to existing retail, office, hospitality, or restaurant spaces. It goes far beyond routine renovation and maintenance. Commercial remodels involve significant reconstructionadditionsalterations, and major repairs.

Unlike building a completely new structure, commercial remodeling allows businesses to transform their space without the costs and delays of new construction. However, careful planning and strict adherence to building permits and regulations is crucial.

This comprehensive guide provides businesses with a deep understanding of commercial remodeling fundamentals. You will learn:

  • The definition, goals, and key benefits of commercial remodels
  • How to assemble the right project team and set a realistic budget
  • The typical phases and timeline for completion
  • Costs per square foot and calculating ROI
  • Materials used and sustainability considerations
  • Financing options and maintaining costs
  • How to maximize spaceenhance efficiency, and promote safety through strategic remodeling

Follow our blueprint to ensure your next commercial remodel successfully meets your business objectives. Let’s get started!

infographic showing commercial remodeling process

Commercial Remodeling 101: The Need-to-Know Basics

Let’s start with the absolute basics – a clear definition of commercial remodeling and construction process and what exactly it involves. I’ll keep it simple like explaining to a friend, not an encyclopedia entry!

Commercial remodeling refers to making significant structural and design changes to existing retail, office buildings, or hospitality spaces to improve functionality and aesthetics. It goes way beyond routine maintenance and minor renovations.

Full-on commercial remodels involve major reconstructionadditionsalterationsrepairs, and upgrades to commercial buildings and spaces like:

  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Medical offices
  • Retail stores
  • Gyms

The goals are to optimize spaceenhance efficiencyrefresh branding, and promote safety and accessibility.

Unlike building new construction, the remodeling process lets businesses transform their space without the huge costs and delays of designing and building a whole new facility from scratch.

But a commercial remodeling project is still a complex, multi-phase process that requires strict adherence to permits and regulations. It’s absolutely not a DIY project!

Key Differences vs. Renovation and Maintenance

Commercial remodels go far beyond routine renovation and standard maintenance. Here’s a quick comparison:

  • Maintenance = Minor repairs, inspections, cleaning
  • Renovation = Surface-level updates like paint, flooring, lighting
  • Remodel = Major structural and design changes

A full commercial remodel overhaul touches every aspect of a space – from demolition and reconstruction to plumbing, electrical, and finishing.

The Main Benefits for Your Business

Done right, commercial remodels provide huge benefits for your bottom line:

  • Enhanced efficiency through upgrades
  • Improved safety and compliance with renovations
  • Greater utilization of space with reconfigurations
  • Brand refreshed with design updates
  • Lower costs compared to new construction

Let’s explore real-world examples of these benefits next.

Assembling Your Dream Remodeling Team

Taking on a commercial remodel is too massive a project to go it alone. You need an experienced team of professionals by your side.

Carefully vetting and selecting your contractors, architects, engineers, and other partners is crucial for success.

Here are the key roles you’ll need to fill:

General Contractor or Construction Manager

The GC or CM Quarterbacks the entire project and will be your main point of contact. They’ll bid the job, hire and manage subcontractors, ensure quality control, and keep things on schedule and budget. Take your time finding the right fit.

A design/build contractor like True-Blue can takes care of the following jobs for you as well.


To turn your vision into detailed build plans, an architect with commercial design expertise is instrumental. They’ll ensure functionality and feasibility while optimizing aesthetics. Make sure you love their style and sensibilities.


Civil, structural, mechanical engineers handle critical technical assessments, permitting, and system design for structural integrity, HVAC, plumbing and more. Their engineering stamps ensure safety and compliance.


Specialty trades like electricians, plumbers, and drywall crews will come onboard during particular phases to complete their portion of work. While you may not directly hire them, understanding who your GC taps is wise.

Expeditors & Consultants

In cities with complex permitting processes, hiring expeditors and consultants can streamline approvals. While optional, they’re magicians when navigating bureaucracy.

Takeaway: Do your due diligence vetting and meeting potential partners for fit. Then foster excellent communication channels once the project launches!

Navigating the Phases of Your Commercial Building Remodel

contractor meeting

Now for the fun part – understanding the major phases of a commercial remodel project. I’ll break down what happens in each stage.

While every project is unique, they all follow a similar high-level workflow:

Phase 1: Design and Planning

First, your architect will create conceptual design plans and drawings based on your vision, budget, and needs.

If you’re working with a design-build firm, this design stage is smoother since it’s all in-house.

Take time here to review multiple options and iterations. Good design takes thoughtful communication!

Phase 2: Permits and Bidding

With plans in place, your contractor applies for required building permits from the city or county.

This ensures your commercial construction project meets all codes for safety, zoning, environmental impact, accessibility, and more. Don’t skip permitting – you don’t want headaches down the road!

Your contractor will also collect bids from subcontractors and finalize your budget.

Phase 3: Materials and Demo

Time to get your hands dirty! The contractor orders materials like:

  • Framing lumber
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Flooring
  • Cabinets
  • Countertops
  • Light fixtures

Then the demolition crew tears down walls, rips up floors, removes furniture, and guts the space.

Phase 4: Structural and Mechanical

The construction team builds out the new framing, runs electrical and plumbing, installs HVAC ductwork, and adds insulation.

The 4 Main Phases of a Commercial Renovation Project

Alright, the planning is handled and you’re ready to get into the fun stuff – the actual remodeling!

In this section, I’ll walk through what happens during the 4 major phases of most commercial remodels:

  1. Demolition
  2. Framing
  3. Mechanicals
  4. Finishing

I’ll explain common tasks, materials used, duration, and things to expect. Let’s get destructive…in the best way!

Phase 1: Demolition

demo photo

The destruction begins! Commercial demolition is super labor intensive. This is when your contractor tears out old:

  • Walls
  • Flooring
  • Plumbing and electrical
  • Crappy drop ceilings
  • Anything in the way of the new design

Expect lots of noise, dust, and debris. Demolition generally takes 2-4 weeks depending on the scope.

Be prepared for surprises – rotted walls, leaky pipes, shoddy old wiring. The issues uncovered will need remediation.

Pro tip: Discuss construction recycling with your GC to divert materials from landfills!

Phase 2: Framing


Now for the structure! Framing involves building out:

  • Interior and exterior walls
  • Floor and ceiling joists
  • Any subflooring

The framing crew constructs a building “skeleton” that defines the new layout.

Wood is the most common framing material. But steel studs are also used, especially in high-rises.

Framing usually takes 4-8 weeks and makes up roughly 25% of the schedule.

Once framing is finished, the new space design becomes visible. Exciting!

Phase 3: Mechanicals

electrical and plumbing work

After framing, it’s all about mechanicals – installing core systems:

  • Electrical – wiring, lighting, outlets
  • Plumbing – pipes, sinks, toilets
  • HVAC – ductwork, vents
  • Sprinklers – fire suppression

Mechanicals can take 6-12 weeks depending on construction project scale and complexity.

With the bones and guts in place, we’re in the home stretch!

Phase 4: Finishing

drywall installation

The fun finishing touches include:

  • Drywall – mudding and taping
  • Paint – colors to suit your style
  • Trims – baseboards, crown molding
  • Fixtures – lights, sinks, hardware
  • Flooring – tile, wood, carpet
  • Cabinetry – custom built-ins

Punch list walkthroughs happen near the end before final sign-off.

Then…open for business in your brand new space! 🎉

That wraps up a high-level overview of the 4 main commercial construction and remodeling phases. Time to talk cost and ROI next!

Doing the Math: Commercial Remodel Costs and ROI

Let’s crunch some numbers! Commercial property remodels involve significant investment, so understanding likely costs and ROI is crucial.

In this section, I’ll cover:

  • Average costs per square foot
  • ROI considerations
  • Financing options
  • Budget management tips

I’ll keep it simple and avoid painful math flashbacks from high school!

What’s the Cost per Square Foot?

Costs vary wildly based on project scope, materials, location, and more. But average per square foot costs land around $100-$200.

A 10,000 sq ft office remodel could then cost $1M-$2M. A 2,000 sq ft restaurant redesign may be $200k-$400k.

But those are broad generalizations! Get multiple bids and understand what drives costs for YOUR specific project.

Some key cost factors:

  • Scope complexity
  • Quality of finishes
  • Regional construction costs
  • How quickly you want it done

Discuss potential cost overruns or change orders upfront to avoid surprise add-ons.

Calculating the ROI

To determine if the investment pays off long-term, calculate Return on Investment (ROI).

Consider benefits like:

  • Increased customer traffic and sales
  • Higher employee productivity
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Improved safety and compliance
  • Enhanced brand perception

If the business gains outweigh project costs within a reasonable payback period, you have a smart ROI!

Financing Your Remodel

Most businesses get financing to fund large remodels. Options include:

  • Small business loans
  • Equipment financing
  • 401(k) business financing
  • Equity loans/lines of credit
  • Crowdfunding

Discuss the best options for your business with potential lenders. Compare terms across a few providers.

Maintaining Costs Through Careful Planning

Establish a detailed budget upfront and track it closely during the project. Identify areas where you can scale back without sacrificing your vision.

Build in a 10% contingency for the inevitable surprises and changes that come up.

Stay in lockstep with your GC so you understand what’s driving costs at each phase.

With diligent planning, you can contain expenses while achieving an amazing transformation!

Customizing Your Remodel by Business Type

So far we’ve discussed commercial remodeling fundamentals that apply across industries. But let’s get specific!

Certain business types have unique needs, regulations, and best practices when it comes to renovations.

In this section, I’ll break down considerations for popular commercial spaces:

  • Restaurants
  • Retail stores
  • Hotels
  • Medical offices

We’ll explore common goals and challenges. Let’s dive in!

Restaurant Remodels

For eateries, remodeling focuses on:

  • Improving kitchen workflow
  • Updating dining ambiance
  • Boosting food quality and consistency

Primary goals are enhancing operational efficiency and delivering an Instagram-worthy customer experience.

Unique considerations:

  • Navigating strict health codes
  • Ventilation and HVAC for cooking
  • Plumbing and gas lines for equipment
  • Grease disposal and interceptors
  • Acoustics to control noise

Retail Store Remodels

For retail, remodeling means:

  • Driving sales through space optimization
  • Improving customer experience
  • Brand refreshing through visual updates

Careful layouts guide shoppers to hottest products and promotions. Aesthetics align with target demographics.


  • Zoning products from entry to register
  • Accommodating peak occupancy
  • Maximizing natural light
  • Showcasing your brand story

Hotel Remodels

Hotel renovations require balancing upgrades with minimal disruption to guests. Priorities include:

  • Increasing room occupancy and rates
  • Improving layout and flow
  • Modernizing amenities and tech
  • Maintaining brand standards


  • Phasing around hotel occupancy
  • Limiting noise during peak hours
  • Managing HVAC and utilities
  • Access and safety for guests

Medical Office Remodels

Medical and dental offices require specialized considerations:

  • Infection control
  • Regulated waste streams
  • ADA accessibility
  • Private patient areas
  • Soothing environments

Common goals include improving patient experience and capacity while ensuring safety.

Let’s Make Your Commercial Remodel Dream a Reality!

open for business sign

We’ve covered a ton of ground together on the ins and outs of commercial remodeling projects – from nitty-gritty phases to higher-level budgeting and ROI.

Hopefully you feel empowered to take on a remodeling project that transforms your business!

Here are a few key tips to make your commercial remodel successful:

  • Assemble an A-team of contractors, architects, and engineers
  • Plan meticulously and get permits in order
  • Set realistic budgets and timelines
  • Communicate closely with your GC throughout
  • Be ready to adapt to surprises and changes

Most importantly, enjoy the journey! Remodeling is a challenging yet immensely rewarding way to invest in your business’s future.

The end result will bring you pride and breathe new life into your commercial space for years to come. Plus you’ll pick up some cool construction knowledge along the way!

If you need any help bringing your vision to life, we’re here to make it happen! Let’s connect!


What’s the difference between remodeling and renovation projects?

Great question! The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but there’s a big difference in scope.

Renovation refers to more surface-level changes like installing new flooring, lighting, or giving walls a fresh coat of paint. Just some cosmetic updates and tweaks.

Remodeling involves major structural and design changes like knocking down walls, redoing plumbing and electrical, adding new additions, and fully reconfiguring the layout. Way more complex!

So renovations are like a quick makeover, while remodels completely transform a space. Hope this clears it up!

What are the main benefits of commercial remodeling?

There are tons of awesome benefits to remodeling your business space:

  • Better utilization of space – Reconfigure and open things up
  • Improved efficiency – Upgrade old systems
  • Enhanced brand – Freshen up your aesthetics
  • Increased safety – Bring things up to modern code
  • Cost savings – Cheaper than new construction

The bottom line is remodeling helps you maximize your existing space to meet changing business needs. It’s a strategic investment that pays off!

What financing options are available for commercial remodels?

Commercial remodels require significant capital, so financing is often needed. Here are some top options to fund your project:

  • Small business loans with low rates and flexible terms
  • Equipment financing specifically for assets and improvements
  • Tapping into equity in your home via cash-out refinancing
  • Business credit cards with 0% promotional periods
  • Crowdfunding if you have an engaged online audience

Every business situation is unique, so discuss the pros and cons of each with your financial advisor or lender. The goal is affordable monthly payments that fit your budget.

Let me know if you need any suggestions on reputable local lenders – I have some great contacts!

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