Tag: architecture

  • Blueprint Breakdown: Understanding Floor Plans for Your Dream Home

    Blueprint Breakdown: Understanding Floor Plans for Your Dream Home

    So, you’re thinking about building your dream home from scratch? That’s awesome! Designing every nook and cranny to suit your lifestyle perfectly is an exciting journey. But before you dive headfirst into picking paint colors and countertops, it’s important to understand the basics of floor plans. I know, floor plans seem boring. Bear with me,…

  • Architectural Alchemy: Choosing the Perfect Style for Your Custom Home

    Architectural Alchemy: Choosing the Perfect Style for Your Custom Home

    So you’re ready to build your ultimate custom home and manifest all your wildest real estate dreams! As you ponder the endless possibilities your dream home has, one of the most exciting decisions is landing on the perfect architectural style to bring your vision to life. But with so many gorgeous options—from storied Spanish villas…